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Registration Fee

A registration fee of $30.00 per family is due per season (school year and summer). Registration fees are non-refundable. Cash or card are accepted for all payments.


Tuition & Billing

Tuition payments are due at the 1st of the month, and will be considered late on the 3rd of each month. A $20.00 late fee will be assessed for all tuition payments marked late or insufficient funds. Students are automatically re-enrolled for the following season. If a dancer wishes to continue in the upcoming session, no action is required. If a dancer wants to register for Summer Intensives, a separate tuition payment must be made on the portal. Your dancer's growth in the CBA dance curriculum is very important and if tuition is not paid consecutively, your dancer may not be admitted into class




We understand life happens, however please strive to have your student arrive 5-15 minutes early. It is highly important for students 12+ to have at least 10 minutes to stretch and prepare their body before class begins. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, they may be asked to take notes and stretch for the duration of class. We do not want to keep students from learning, and jumping into class late can be dangerous for the dancer’s body. If a student is consistently late, we will discuss an alternate class for your student to attend for the season.



Class Attendance

If your child is ill or cannot come to class for any other reason, we must be notified via email (preferably 24 hour before class). The student can make up for their missed class due to illness at any time. If a student is injured or unable to take class, they are required to attend class and take notes that will be proofed by their instructor. If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences per semester, they may not be eligible to perform in the Studio Company.



Studio Company Attendance

Performing students are expected to be available for Friday rehearsals 4:30-7:00pm throughout the school year (aside from holidays and CBA closure dates). If a student misses more than 3 rehearsals, they will need to schedule a private session with one of our instructors ($55) to learn and rehearse missed choreography. If a student misses more than 5 rehearsals, they may be omitted from one or more dances per performance.


Low Enrollment

Classes are subject to close at any time if the class does not fill or enrollment numbers fall below the required number of students necessary to run a class. If class changes are made, families will be notified via email.


Emails and Announcements

If contact information should change please contact us to provide new information for billing purposes as soon as possible. Coeur Ballet Academy does not send junk emails; we kindly ask you to read the emails as we periodically send out important information pertaining to your dancer and/or their class.


​Class Withdrawal

All dancers are automatically re-enrolled every session (except for summer intensive). Please note, summer sessions will be earlier in the day. If for whatever reason a student(s) decides to discontinue any or all classes, a withdrawal form must be completed and signed in person 7 days prior to the upcoming session tuition due date. This form may be completed and sent via email



Coeur Ballet Academy does not issue refunds for any missed classes, camps, or early withdrawal during a session. Students may make-up for missed classes at any time.​



Coeur Ballet Academy is closed July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. Further studio closures will be announced 30 days in advance, with the exception of emergency closings (see below).


Weather/Studio Closing

In the event of studio closing due to weather conditions, all families will be notified via email. Dancers are able to make-up for their missed class anytime. No refunds will be given.



If your child is ill or cannot come to class for any other reason, the Artistic Director must be notified as soon as possible (preferably at least 24 hour before class). The student can make up for their missed class due to illness at any time. If a student is injured or unable to take class, they are required to attend class and take notes that will be proofed by their instructor. If a student misses more than 3 classes per term (5 months) for reasons other than illness, they may not be eligible to perform in the Studio Company.

Level Placement

It is CBA’s policy to offer appropriate opportunities to every child. Placement is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex. Levels are based on multiple factors including age and experience in dance. Please see the Artistic Director if you have questions or concerns about your child’s placement.


Level Advancement

If your student is ready to graduate to the next level, the Artistic Director will notify you and your child outside of class hours. Changes in the class schedule and tuition will be discussed at this time. Level advancement can happen at any point during the session and is an exciting time. Macy will introduce the student to their new classmates on their first day in their new level.



Students who are already on pointe before beginning classes at CBA will need to schedule a demo pointe class. This is to ensure safety and proper placement on pointe. Demo classes can be scheduled anytime during the student’s regular class schedule and will last 20-30 minutes. There is no additional cost to this demo class. 


Students who are not on pointe yet, and the Artistic Director feels they are ready, will be notified with their parents outside of class hours. Pointe is an advanced level class and takes serious training to prepare for. It is the policy of CBA for dancers to be almost/ or fully physically developed before starting pointe. This is to ensure the student’s safety and longevity in their dance career while avoiding injury. When student(s) are ready for pointe shoes, a masterclass will be held where the Artistic Director will teach pre-pointe exercises, the anatomy of the pointe shoe, how to sew pointe shoes, and different pointe shoe fits. Parents are welcome to observe this masterclass.


Class Etiquette

  • Students should arrive 5-10 minutes before classes to allow time to use the restroom and prepare for class.

  • No warm-ups or clothing over ballet attire unless given expressed permission by the instructor.

  • Dance attire should be clean and without holes/tears. Hair must be pulled back neatly in a ballet bun.

  • If a student forgets to bring a leotard or shoes, we may give them either attire on a loan. Please clean and return the borrowed attire at your next class. If a student continuously forgets their shoes, they may be asked to observe class and takes notes. This is due to the dancer's safety and wearing proper foot support.

  • When outside of the studio, dancers must wear proper attire over their ballet leotard and tights. 

  • Students must be ready to dance at the start of each class. Late students may only enter with permission from the director/teacher and may be asked to sit, observe class, and take notes.

  • No talking in class unless raising your hand to ask a question

  • CBA expects students to actively participate in class and encourages students to ask questions whenever needed. If a student is continually being non-participant or disruptive in class, they may be asked to observe class and take notes. If this occurs, parents will be notified after class.

  • Respect for the instructor you work with is essential. Listen to each correction given, whether it’s directed to you or another dancer. A correction is an honor; it shows you how much a teacher cares about your progress as a dancer. Always say “thank you” when the instructor offers you constructive criticism. 

  • All students MUST be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of class.

  • NO gum, food, or drinks other than water permitted in the studio.

  • Parents/Guardians are permitted to observe class in the studio. Please silence your mobile devices and refrain from conversation above a whisper. If students are getting distracted, the studio policy will defer to specific Parent/Guardian watch weeks throughout the season.

  • NO loud noise is allowed in the waiting area. 

  • The facility should be treated respectfully.

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